GoutPal can't work without you. Because we need people to ask questions. Also, we need people to express their opinions about gout and share their experiences. Finally, we need people to join in and collaborate with us to improve our Learning Resources. 

Is this a forum?

No! But it works similar to a forum with many more features. With one difference that can be confusing - there is no Reply button. So if you prefer a traditional style forum, please start posting in GoutPal's Gout Forum now.

Instead of a Reply button, you leave feedback here by clicking 'No' where it asks 'Did you find it helpful?'

So imagine it actually asks 'Have you finished leaving feedback?' Then you can keep replying until you have nothing left to add. But be aware that all feedback is moderated. So you will have to wait until an Agent has reviewed your feedback before it is added. And if you don't like how long that takes you should think about volunteering as an Agent.

Ask Gout and Uric Acid Questions

Think about your gout

  1. Think about your gout and how it affects your life.
  2. List all the concerns that you have about gout.
  3. Add other health problems that concern you.

Think about your healthcare professionals

Are you satisfied with the way doctors explain your condition? Also, do you have confidence in their plans for your gout pain control and uric acid treatment? If you're happy and confident, I wonder why you're here. Because the purpose of this Q&A section is to solve your concerns about gout. But don't forget that Keith's Internet Support Service is here to help you resolve all your concerns. So ask me about anything that concerns you.

Still here? Then write down your doctor's advice for each of your gout concerns. Then explain what help you need to get more confidence in your treatment plans.

Take Action Now

For each of your gout concerns, create a new support ticket. Remember to describe your symptoms and how they affect your life. Also, include details of what you've already tried. Including

  • Advice from health professionals.
  • Internet search queries that have been important to you.
  • Internet pages you've visited.

Share Opinions and Experiences

Read and React

Everyone has reactions to things they read. So start by reading as many GoutPal articles as you can. Then think about your reactions. But don't think too long. Because it's important to express your immediate opinions. Then you can return and add more as you think about the issues involved.

Expressing your opinions is easy. And they really help other people to discuss different options with their professional advisers. So use the feedback links on every GoutPal page that you read.

Share Your Story

Most people can relate things they read about to their own lives. So think about this when you read GoutPal pages. But don't think too long. Because we need your experiences to help us make better choices.

You might share good experiences that help people find better solutions. Or you might share bad experiences that help people avoid making the same mistakes you made. So always share your story using the feedback links on every GoutPal page that you read.

Join the team

You do not need experience. But you must be willing to learn and enjoy helping others. So start telling us your story now.